`Amazing New service for Wholesale Products Sources`
Released on = December 28, 2005, 10:07 am
Press Release Author = TJP Company
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Longtime wholesale \"know-it-all\" reveals his revolutionary new service for finding unique, fresh sources for wholesale products and merchandise. This breakthrough new program will help eliminate invalid and outdated wholesale sources.
Press Release Body = What is the single most frustrating issue you face when trying to find good, wholesale products sources? Actually, there are three major issues that seem to effect the majority of those who are searching for sources.
1. Obtaining a \"paper\" list or ebook of sources that is not only inaccurate to say the least but full of extremely outdated wholesale sources.
2. Finding products or merchandise from a specific company that is advertised as wholesale price but actually is nothing better than retail price.
3. Trying to find a wholesale sources provider that operates a genuine service who provides you customer service in the way of email and phone contacts.
Tim Prescott, has announced the release of a revolutionary new program and method in his wholesale sources service that will not only give his customers daily access to a set of wholesale product sources that \"freshens\" or \"rotates\" every single day but also a new educational series of articles that will teach his customers how to deal with the certain aspects of buying from the sources they can access.
He also boldly stated that, \"I\'ve been in the wholesale buying and selling business for years and have seen first hand that if a person wants to succeed in a business utilizing any type of wholesale sources, he or she MUST understand the basic fundamentals of the wholesale business. If they don\'t have a basic understanding then the largest list of sources in the world will not realistically do them any good at all. This is a dynamic business where companies selling wholesale and closeout products can shut down literally overnight with little or no explanation. Many service that offer sources in the way of e-books or catalogs have no way of updating or removing these invalid company listings and the buyer of the list ends up stuck with something they can\'t use.
When looking for any type of product or merchandise from a wholesale price or source perspective, you must be able to tell the difference in what is truth and fact and what is myth. You should always look for someone who backs up their service and who is willing to make contact with you if necessary. Whether you deal with a wholesale sources provider or deal directly with a wholesale company or distributor, be sure to ask questions and closely evaluate the answers they give and never deal with a company that you are the slightest bit unsure of.
Web Site = http://www.exclusivewholesalers.com
Contact Details = Tim Prescott
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